Command line


  • Be able to open the command line on their computer;
  • Be familiar with directory and file structure through the command line.
  • Be able to manipulate files and directories through the command line.


  1. Demonstrate opening the command line. Explain that this might be different on everyone’s machine.
  2. Identify current directory and open it in a GUI to see that you’re seeing the same things. Possibly, draw file structure on the board.
  3. Demonstrate listing contents (also compare to GUI).
  4. Create the rsd-directory. (also compare to GUI)
  5. Move in to directories and specifically explain .. (also compare to GUI).
  6. Copy files.
  7. Move/rename (explain that these are essentially the same thing)
  8. Delete files.
  9. Manipulate directories: discuss recursive flag.
  10. Demonstrate tab completion and using history with up/down arrows.


  1. Why does your terminal look different to mine?
  2. What does /s stand for in rmdir /s? Answer It stands for “sub directories”.
  3. What does -r stand for in rm -r and cp -r? Answer It stands for “recursive”.